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DreamLife Mastery
Dreamlife Mastery Program
DreamLife Tracks
Free TracksRise AboveWake Up CalmOverflowing WealthWired For JoyEnd AddictionSoaring SuccessNo More WorryingStop Negative ThinkingThe Decluttered MindThe Doer's BrainMoney Momentum KickstartHeal The BodyFeel HappierStop InsomniaStop StressStop AnxietySupreme Self-ConfidenceLimit Free LifeMaximum Motivation

Conversion Proof

His Secret Obsession is an extremely high converting product. It’s done well with JVs and cold traffic buyers all across the internet.

But we’re not just asking you to take our word for it and promote some new, unproven course. We’ve rigorously tested His Secret Obsession.

And here’s the proof.

In our first test we compared two versions of His Secret Obsession with our cold traffic king, What Men Secretly Want. As you probably know, What Men Secretly Want has stood the tests of time as one of the best relationship products on Clickbank. It has had millions of dollars in successfully converting sales. We knew it would be hard, but His Secret Obsession had to beat it.

The data below shows our first test between His Secret Obsession and What Men Secretly Want. You can see that in the first test His Secret Obsession beat What Men Secretly Want by 23.68% on the front end.

"Guys, I did an early offer of this program as well and happy to say that it did over 1.59 EPC to my list as well...

Upsells were fantastic at 78% of initial sales.

Highly recommended!"
Carlos Xuma
"Guys, I did an early offer of this program as well and happy to say that it did over 1.59 EPC to my list as well...

Upsells were fantastic at 78% of initial sales.

Highly recommended!"
Carlos Xuma
"Guys, I did an early offer of this program as well and happy to say that it did over 1.59 EPC to my list as well...

Upsells were fantastic at 78% of initial sales.

Highly recommended!"
Carlos Xuma
"Guys, I did an early offer of this program as well and happy to say that it did over 1.59 EPC to my list as well...

Upsells were fantastic at 78% of initial sales.

Highly recommended!"
Carlos Xuma
The numbers we are seeing from affiliate traffic are off the charts. Here are some examples of what affiliates are getting as they promote His Secret Obsession.
$3.51 per hop — 14 hops per order — 54.55% upsell take rate
$2.89 per hop — 16 hops per order — 60.91% upsell take rate
$5.45 per hop — 8 hops per order — 50% upsell take rate
(Yes, that last one was a buyers list, but in a totally different market!)
So now you have the proof. His Secret Obsession is the new conversions king! Take advantage of this cold traffic monster by starting up a campaign today. And remember, we are here to help, let us know what we can do to help launch your success.