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DreamLife Mastery
Dreamlife Mastery Program
DreamLife Tracks
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Wired For Joy Self Hypnosis Track
Feel Happier, Grateful And Love The Journey You Are On
The Recipe For Lasting Happiness

Subject: The Recipe For Lasting Happiness

Hi {!firstname_fix},

Life is challenging at the best of times.

Sometimes and often, without good reason, we find ourselves feeling overstressed and even just plain sad.

We feel stuck in a cycle of unhappy thoughts.

But it doesn't have to be like this because…

Dr. Steve G Jones has a quick, efficient answer that will put a smile on your face

…and put the spring back in your step.

Don't believe me?

>> Check out the recipe for lasting happiness here [Link this to https://dreamlifetrack.com/aff/wj/YourIDHere/YourTracking]

Imagine what it will feel like to wake up tomorrow and every day onward

With a tingle of comforting heat that radiates through your entire body?

Feeling overwhelmed but in a good way…

Filled with gratitude and joy…

Being at ease with the world…

It is possible in just a few minutes a day.

This may be the most important message you'll read this year.

>> Discover the recipe for lasting joy and gratitude [Link this to https://dreamlifetrack.com/aff/wj/YourIDHere/YourTracking]

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Reprogram Your Mind For JOY

Subject: Reprogram Your Mind For JOY

Hi {!firstname_fix},

How much better could life be if you had a tool that made feeling happy easier…

…and turned it into 'automatic experience?

The great news is there is a tool that can help you unlock the secrets to finding joy and contentment in the everyday.…

>> Discover it here  [Link this to https://dreamlifetrack.com/aff/wj/YourIDHere/YourTracking]

Subaudible Soundwave Technology is an extremely effective way to create positive change
in the brain. 

…Creating new "happiness habits."   

Which helps you cultivate higher motivation, drive, and joy for life…

...and many other positive changes that make radiating joy more effortless…

Recent studies show the incredible benefits of deep meditation for improving core beliefs, systems, habits and EMOTIONS

But the problem is that regular meditation won't get you the desired results because…

There are only a handful of people in the world who can ACTUALLY use this technology to access the part of the brain responsible for "behavior and habits."

Fortunately, the clinical hypnosis industry recognizes Hypnotherapist to the stars Dr. Steve G Jones as one of them…  

When done correctly, it allows you to shift to a lower brainwave state (and a higher state of vibration) bypassing any resistance more quickly and easily, than regular meditation audio tracks.

When you listen to this soothing audio track created by Dr Steve...

The sound waves penetrate directly into your subconscious thoughts while you relax.

This quick and simple process takes place deep inside the brain.

On a purely subconscious level…

…thus causing a stealth psychological response

That hacks into the mind using the power of suggestion…

>> ...implanting new winning beliefs that advance your life Effortlessly multiplying ALL the benefits of regular meditation [Link this to https://dreamlifetrack.com/aff/wj/YourIDHere/YourTracking]

This will profoundly change the way you experience yourself and your world…

Giving you a new meta-awareness, perspective for life and limitless success

Don't miss this limited chance to install a new empowering belief system…

>> Get access here [Link this to https://dreamlifetrack.com/aff/wj/YourIDHere/YourTracking]

To your joy,

[Your Name]

Weekend Special Swipes 85% off.
[Mail Anytime] Get Wired For Joy NOW

Subject: Wake Up Calm Every Day

Hi {!firstname_fix},

If you’re struggling with feelings of stress, anxiety, and sadness…

…here’s a fast and powerful way to release emotional weight and feel free again:

>> Get ‘Wired For Joy’ Now [Link this to https://dreamlifetrack.com/aff/wjc/YourIDHere/YourTracking]

Dr. Steve G Jones, a clinical hypnotherapist (and a good friend of mine), created this unique self-hypnosis audio to shake off negative emotions from a person’s subconscious.

>> Get ‘Wired For Joy’ Now [Link this to https://dreamlifetrack.com/aff/wjc/YourIDHere/YourTracking]

Here’s to a balanced, uplifted and optimistic YOU!

[Your Name]
